Adopting a friend
Our list of available animals is updated as soon as new animals become available or are adopted. If an adoption is pending, that will also be noted.
1. Application MUST be filled out first before you can meet the animal. Please locate it on the top menu under "Forms".
2. Application is reviewed. We will let you know by email if your application has been accepted. It is very important that you add our email to your address book so that this email does not go to spam or junk. We will check your home and fence via satellite photos, or conduct a home visit, or ask that another rescue conduct a home visit out of town.
3. If selected, a volunteer will conduct a phone interview with you. If at that time, you are approved, then we can proceed to the next step.
4. An appointment can be made to meet the animal. We advise bringing any present dogs living in the home to meet the new dog to see if its a good match. If this meeting goes well, you may bring your new baby home!